Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
AD&D Insurance acts as an added form of protection should a Plan Member suffer a
severe accident causing death or a specific loss as identified in the insurer’s
Loss Schedule. This benefit is not applicable to all Diocese. Please refer to your benefit booklet for further details.
Coverage for AD&D Insurance is available to match the level of the Basic Life Insurance.
AD&D benefits are payable in addition to Life Insurance should an accident result
in death (“double indemnity”).
Examples of covered losses include:
- Life
- Both hands or both feet
- Sight of both eyes
- One hand and one foot
- One hand or one foot and sight of one eye
- One arm or one leg
- Sight of one eye
- Thumb and index finger of one hand
- Speech or hearing in both ears
- Hearing in one ear
- Use of both arms, both hands or both legs
- Use of one arm or one leg
- Use of one hand or one foot
After 365 days of continuous paralysis
- Quadriplegia (Total paralysis of upper and lowers limbs)
- Paraplegia (Total paralysis of both lower limbs)
- Hemiplegia (Total paralysis of one side of body)

Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
Similar to Optional Life Insurance, Optional AD&D Insurance can be purchased by
a Plan Member through payroll deduction. Optional AD&D provides another means to
protect against the financial hardship caused by a severe accident.
Optional AD&D Insurance is available with the following features:
- Coverage can be purchased for the Plan Member
- Coverage is available in units of $10,000 up to a maximum of $300,000
- There are no minimum participation requirements
- Evidence of insurability is not required
- Coverage terminates at age 70, or retirement

Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Rates
A flat, competitive rate for optional AD&D Insurance is available to all member